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Do you have a case of the high utility bill blues? This incredibly common ailment happens to households just like yours all across the country.

The good news is that there are many different things you can do to fix the issue and get your bill back down to a reasonable level.

Here’s what you need to know about saving money on your water bill.

How Can I Lower My Water Bill?

There are numerous ways to lower your water bill and we detail quite a few in this post. However, it’s important to remember that this is one of those areas where a lot of little tasks add up.

Although you might not see a difference right away, after a few weeks of implementing changes you’ll be able to see a pretty sizable reduction in your monthly utility bill.

How Much is the Average Water Bill Per Person?

According to Moving.com, the average family of four pays $72.93 per month, assuming they utilize 100 gallons of water per day.

Of course, this can vary depending on the age of the home, whether they have a swimming pool, and even if they take showers both morning and night.

What Causes a High Water Bill?

A high water bill is usually caused by an abnormal level of use.

If you have a pretty static bill for a long period and then notice a spike, it is important to make sure you haven’t added anything that uses extra water.

If you can’t think of anything off hand, then there might be a chance that you have a leak somewhere in your home.

20 Ways to Save Money on Your Water Bill

Of course, there are several ways you can really save money on your water bill.

While some of these tips involve an upfront investment, most just require a change in thought and habit. Here are twenty of our best tips to consider.

1. Fix Leaks or Slow Drips

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), leaky faucets emitting a single drop of water per second can accumulate up to 2,082 gallons of wastewater each year.

And that’s water you’re paying for that isn’t even getting used!

Instead, check for leaks or slow drips on all fixtures in your bathroom, kitchen, or outdoors.

2. Use Your Dishwasher

It might seem counterintuitive, but using your dishwasher instead of hand-washing items actually saves more water.

Today’s models are highly energy and water efficient, meaning they reach a maximum cleaning level without wasting electricity or water.

And, if your unit is more than a few years old, consider upgrading it to something rated for more efficiency.

3. Only Run Full Loads

Another tip for saving money on your water bill is to only run full loads with your washing machine and dishwasher.

Partial or small loads still use approximately the same amount of water, but combining a couple of days worth of items into one use is a surefire way to see a reduction in consumption.

4. Install WaterSense Certified Faucets

You’ll also want to install WaterSense certified faucets throughout your home.

Available at nearly every home improvement store, these fixtures reduce water flow by thirty percent or more without sacrificing performance.

And they also come in stylish designs that enhance the overall look of your bathroom or kitchen.

It’s like a double win situation–you save on your water bill while getting to enjoy a better looking home!

5. Get a Pool Cover

If you have a backyard pool, consider getting a pool cover to save money. Why? The cover helps prevent evaporation.

This means that you’ll have to fill up the vessel less, which means a lower overall water bill.

Other benefits include less chance of wildlife getting into the water and it can help keep the temperature of the pool at a more consistent level.

6. Choose an Energy-Saving Water Heater

Those looking to save money on both water and power bills will love the results of replacing their existing hot water heater with an energy-saving variety.

These units are designed to give you the maximum amount of usable hot water without having a drastic effect on your utility bills.

Best of all, the tankless varieties take this a step further by only using the exact amount of water you need.

7. Use a Hot Water Recirculating System

Do you find yourself leaving a faucet or shower running while you’re waiting for the water to warm up?

This common problem is a total waste of water, but is easily fixed by installing a hot water recirculating system.

How it works is a special pump with a sensor moves the water from the line back to the hot water tank if it isn’t used. In turn, this means there’s far less waste.

8. Go to the Car Wash

If you think you’re saving money by washing your car yourself at home, think again.

Most local car washes use recycled water, meaning that they’re getting more bang for the buck per gallon.

Instead of wasting water at home that just flows down the driveway and into a storm drain, their system recirculates the water.

In the end, this is a far better option for your bank account and the environment.

9. Choose the Right Time of Day for Lawn Watering

Choosing the right time of day to water your lawn or landscaping is also incredibly important.

The best time to reduce evaporation is very early in the morning or slightly after sunset.

If you have an irrigation box or timer, make sure to set your sprinkler system to accommodate the cooler times of the day.

10. Check Your Water Meter

We also suggest that you check your water meter. Make sure all faucets and other items are off inside the house.

If the small dial is spinning, there’s a good chance you have a water leak somewhere that you might not be able to see.

In this case, you’ll want to call out a plumber to try to diagnose the issue.

save water image

11. Select a Weather-Based Irrigation Controller

In addition to choosing the right time of day to water your lawn, consider also selecting a weather-based irrigation controller.

These handy automated systems know when there’s a chance for rain in your area. This keeps them from running and wasting money needlessly.

Many also come with smartphone apps that give you greater control over the time and circumstances for watering.

12. Dye Test Your Toilets

You can also test toilets for leaks by adding a bit of food coloring dye to the tank.

If you start to notice the color seeping into the tank after a few hours without use, then there’s a good chance you have a leak.

While this method isn’t totally foolproof, it is a good indicator of a bigger problem that might need inspection.

13. Educate Your Kids

Another way to save money on your water bill? Educate your children on the best habits for conservation.

Encourage them to turn off the faucet while brushing their teeth, washing their hands, and more.

Setting these actions and thought patterns in motion now make it easier for them to remember to do as they get older.

14. Turn Off the Shower

One more way to save money on your water bill is to turn off the shower while you lather up, especially for those with long hair where shampooing and conditioning takes a little extra time.

Instead of all that hot water just running down the drain, it will stay in the tank, which decreases your bill over several sessions.

15. Add Plastic Bottles to Your Toilet Tank

This is an idea that people seem to be really on the fence about, but to save water consider adding plastic bottles filled with water to your toilet tank.

This tricks the mechanics of the toilet into thinking it is totally filled, when it really is not. In the end, this means less water makes it to the bowl and reduces water waste.

16. Skip the Garbage Disposal

If you’re looking to save money on your water bill each month, consider skipping the garbage disposal in favor of an outdoor compost bin.

Each time you add food to your disposal, it has to be rinsed down with water. If you aren’t doing this, you’re reducing your overall consumption. So, consider starting home composting to eliminate the issue.

17. Reuse Your Water

There’s always that extra glass of water or pet dish that you need to dump out. Instead of putting that water down the drain, consider using it to clean, water plants, or rinse out dishes.

While this might sound pretty insignificant, the effects can really add up if you’re doing it on a regular basis.

18. Grow Taller Grass

Did you know that taller grass holds water in the soil much more effectively than short grass?

This summer, consider setting the deck on your mower an inch or more higher to help keep that moisture in.

This means you’ll have to water or use your sprinklers less, which will lower your overall bill.

19. Switch to Low Care Landscaping

You also have the option to switch to low care landscaping.

These designs are specifically made to look great without needing constant watering or care.

In fact, there are many types of artificial turf, faux flowers, and fake shrubs out there that look entirely real and last a long time.

20. Upgrade Fixtures

If your home is older, consider upgrading as many of your fixtures as you possibly can.

Low-flow toilets and modern showerheads are quite cost-effective and can really help you save money on your utility bills each month.

Wrap Up: Saving Money on Your Water Bill

It is important to remember that not all of these tips are going to be pertinent to every household.

The real trick is to decide which ones to implement, try them out for a period of time, and then see where your bill stands.

If you don’t see a reduction, you could have a plumbing issue that needs to be addressed by a professional. Good luck and happy water conserving!

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Owner - Operator at RT Olson Plumbing
Bob Olson has over 18 years experience in all aspects of residential and commercial plumbing. He's a 4th generation plumber. With over 500 five-star customer reviews, he runs one of the best-rated plumbing companies in Corona, CA.
Bob Olson
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